3 Reasons why you should Focus on Nutrition & Healthy Recipes in 2023

We all know that eating a well balanced diet is fundamental to looking, as well as feeling, your best! There are endless benefits to following a meal plan that includes ingredients that will make you glow from the inside out. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why nutrition should be a priority for you in 2023…

1. Good nutrition will help you achieve your aesthetic goals

Exercise and nutrition go hand in hand when it comes to achieving aesthetic goals. In order to see best results, you need to be exercising regularly and eating well balanced meals. Even the smallest changes to how you are eating can make a massive difference. It’s a simple principle. If you want to lose weight, you need to be on a calorie deficit - consume less calories than what you burn. If you want to build muscle, you need to be on a calorie surplus - consume more calories than you burn.We believe that slow, steady changes are the way to go so you can make progress that lasts.

2. You will feel more energized

    Think of your body like a car. It needs fuel to function. If you’re not eating enough of the right foods, you’ll notice yourself getting tired and not functioning at 100%. The carbs, proteins and fats in food provide calories to energize your body and if you have more energy, you’ll be able to exercise more effectively. It’s a win-win situation! You should be eating a rainbow of foods! A variety of different foods will help you consume essential nutrients. Different colored plants, fruits and vegetables are linked to higher levels of specific nutrients and health benefits. Plus, you’ll also enjoy your food more knowing your pretty plate is doing wonders for your body and mind!

    3. Boosts your mood and overall health

      If you are struggling with being creative in the kitchen, simply just finding healthy recipes, or have no idea where to even start - we have good news for you! When you sign up to the LEAN App you have access to hundreds of healthy, delicious recipes that will help you reach your goals. You also have the option of customizing a meal plan that best suits you. There is nothing better than not having to think about what you should be eating. It can very often turn out to be stressful, but we’ve taken the stress out of making 2023 your year to focus on nutrition.

      Use food as an opportunity to get to know yourself… Listen to your body, be kind to yourself and remember - food should be enjoyed! Use meal times as an opportunity to relax and be mindful. Now let’s make this our best year yet, together!


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